In the Beginning
A curious innocent question that sputtered into existence over 4 years ago has led to a beautiful God-story, one right step after the other.
In the beginning, there was word…
During a boys’ conversation on a very hot afternoon in 2014, a friend informed Eniifeoluwa (worthy of mention here as witness) and I about his cousin (Yinxie) who was planning to change her Faculty to join us in the Faculty of Law. It was an innocent conversation and I thought nothing more about it than to wish her well with her plans.
A year later, my friend (IBK) informed told me that the cousin eventually crossed to the Faculty of Law and I was all glad to help her get settled in (as a good friend). Admittedly, I had a pretty huge crush on Yinxie after a few conversations, but I had a rough experience in my previous relationship and wasn’t in the right place (mentally and emotionally) for one. We just maintained a plain vanilla friendship.
Coincidentally, Yinxie sat right in front of me in almost every class we had in the Faculty’s large lecture theatre and I subconsciously found myself toying with her hair during lectures and she didn’t mind. (No, I was not being weird and yes, I was very attentive in classes too!).
The curious innocent question…
Towards the end of our fifth year in school, I got very busy with activities but strangely, we got so close in the period. During one of our conversations, I told her I was not sure of what to do with her. Certainly, she wanted to know what I meant (no surprise here, tbh). I was not ready to tell as she had an exam to write the next day. After her paper, she “summoned” me to come explain myself. I told her that I may be in love with her, that I could not place the feeling because I had been out of the game for a while and that it was something I would love to work through and explore with her. We had a beautiful and memorable conversation about it. That conversation led to this big story of love.